Safely Eliminate Your Phobias 

PhobiaFix - the safe and comfortable phobia cure.

photo of gel candle on board beside pillow

Overcome Your Phobia 

in a Safe and Comfortable Environment

"PhobiaFix" is a service that helps people overcome their phobias quickly and easily in a safe and comfortable environment. The service guarantees success and allows people to only pay after they feel their phobia has been resolved. No painful treatment is involved, and it can benefit adults and children.​

Imagine your life free from anxiety attacks, living fully without mental barriers.

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Our 'Pay after Success' policy!

where payment is only required once you acknowledge the resolution of your problem.

Let PhobiaFix Help You Conquer Your Fear

"PhobiaFix" is a specialized service that combines soft techniques, such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and sophrology, to help individuals manage their brains and overcome phobias.

The service provides a safe, comfortable, and pleasant atmosphere for clients to work through an analogy of their fears. The process addresses the specific needs of each individual, and the goal is to resolve phobias in as few sessions as possible. Usually, one session is enough for a permanent result.

Using the neuro-linguistic programming approach, the clients can overcome their phobias without confronting them. The highly trained "PhobiaFix" team effectively uses NLP to achieve that objective. 

"At PhobiaFix, the clients themselves evaluate the success of the treatment. We believe in complete transparency, which is why we offer a unique feature of 'Pay after Success,' which means that clients only pay for the service once they feel their phobia has been resolved and are satisfied with the results. This way, clients know they are not wasting their money on a service that does not work for them. Our goal is to help individuals overcome their phobias most efficiently and effectively. In addition, we strive to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our clients throughout the process."

In summary, "PhobiaFix" is a one-stop solution for anyone looking to overcome their phobias safely, comfortably, and effectively, with the added benefit of a satisfaction guarantee. So, if you want to cure your phobias, "PhobiaFix" is a perfect choice. Get ready to say goodbye to those fears and anxieties and start living on your terms!  Good luck! 

If you have any questions or want more information about how PhobiaFix can help you, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to answer any questions and provide support! 
Thank you for considering PhobiaFix, and we look forward to helping you conquer your phobias! 

Best wishes,

The PhobiaFix Team.  

What is NLP?

NLP is a gentle way to approach a phobia cure. There is no need to recall traumatic experiences, nor any reason to relive unpleasant memories. 

PhobiaFix places people in a comfortable environment, allowing them to view their experience in a completely detached mode as if this happens to the friend of a friend (called double dissociation). Therefore, they can discuss their situation without the anxiety attached to it. 

We understand that everyone's journey is unique, so we customize our help according to each person's individual needs. Our goal is to provide the best possible outcome by helping you develop the skills to overcome your phobias.

Individual cases permanently fixed in one fear-free session.
Charity Organisation that  supports
Application Domains where NLP is perfectly suited

How does PhobiaFix removes phobias?

silhouette photography of person

Neuro Linguistic Programming, fixing Phobias

"Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful tool that allows individuals to reorganize their thinking patterns and achieve their personal and professional goals faster. NLP profoundly impacts personal life, and its benefits spill over to the professional sphere. It is a highly effective approach that helps people change their limiting beliefs and behaviors that are holding them back. 

It can also help people overcome their phobias and anxiety disorders, leading to a more positive attitude. NLP is a holistic approach that works on the mind, body, and emotions, thus, making it a powerful tool for personal development.

Through its powerful approach that uses psychology, linguistics, and hypnosis techniques, NLP will help individuals overcome irrational fears, anxiety disorders, and phobias.
Phobias are anxiety disorders characterized by an irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. A distinctive visual cue is often the trigger mechanism leading to deep discomfort or panic. This feeling, in turn, will reinforce the perception of the vision, which will occupy our full attention and amplify the emotion in an endless uncontrollable loop. The phobia then controls you, and there is no logic in the process, only a feedback mechanism that reinforces the negative emotion provoked by the initial visual cue and will amplify at nauseam. 

This phobia can cause intense panic attacks, physical symptoms, and avoidance behaviors. Social anxiety disorder is a specific type of phobia characterized by an intense fear of social situations and of being judged or evaluated by others. Social anxiety can also spill over into a fear of public speaking, so debilitating for professionals in every case.

NLP is an effective treatment option for phobias because it addresses the underlying mental and emotional patterns that loop and drive the fear response. Using visualizing techniques combined with guided psychological patterns, NLP practitioners help clients identify and break the downward spiral leading to the massive anxiety attack that contributes to their phobia.
Additionally, NLP uses visualization, anchor, and reframing techniques to help clients create new, cheerful, and relaxing associations with the object, situation, or activity they fear. It allows clients to relax more easily when confronted with a phobic situation and direct their attention to other elements of their life, giving back behavioral control to the person.

In summary, NLP is a powerful approach that can help individuals to overcome phobias, panic attacks, and anxiety disorders by addressing the underlying mental and emotional patterns that drive the fear response, breaking the feedback loop that previously entertained the downward spiral. Whether struggling with a specific phobia or social anxiety disorder, NLP can help you overcome your fears and live a more fulfilling life. NLP will give you back control of these difficult situations.